
316 polished Stainless steel
Unique spherical sculpture
200cm Diam

ARTPark sculpture exhibitions Sydney

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Nice Sphere #6 – 2m

316 polished Stainless steel
Unique spherical sculpture
200cm Diam

ARTPark sculpture exhibitions Sydney

Submit an enquiry for this Sculpture or Artist and we will respond to you shortly.

Nice Sphere # 6 – 200cm Diam

David McCracken

McCracken is continually developing and adding to his vocabulary of systems and continues to try new techniques such as that employed in ‘drop forged artwork’ – achieved by dropping a wrecking ball from a crane onto a sheet of aluminium  placed atop a sand bed to generate a massive ‘dent’… or hydro-forming steel into complex compound forms with hydrostatic pressure, or driving over sheets of steel with a vehicle to create curves. All he requires of these techniques is that they are reduced to the fewest possible actions ,and remain economical and ‘analogue in spirit’.  He continues to experiment with water born sculpture regarding it as both a challenge and the ‘perfect venue for sculpture’ and is developing systems for large scale land-art installations.

McCracken has exhibited widely in outdoor exhibitions including Sculpture on the gulf and Sculpture by the sea (in Sydney) and has received a number of awards for his work. He has commissions in New Zealand and internationally and has been showing in New Zealand since 2010.

McCracken is now represented in Australia by ARTPark Australia.

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